Sunday, November 27, 2022

Here be Dragons

I've had these dragons for a while but they were never based properly and among the first minis I painted.  It was fun to do a quick update.  Both dragons are from Reaper Miniatures, the Fire Dragon and Skeletal Dragon


The Fire Dragon spent several days and two iterations in LA's Totally Awesome, but the paint did not  did not come as clean as expected. Each dragon will be based on two GW 40mm square bases making each base 80x40mm.

Green stuff combing two square bases.

Green stuff securing the model to the base.

The models were then fully assembled and based. Hot glue is cheap and was used to blend the elevation from the integrated bases to the new bases. Then the basing completed with common sand and PVA glue.

Painting the Fire Dragon

The models were primed black from below, grey from the sides, and white from the top resulting in a smooth gradient undercoat.

The Fire Dragon was painted mainly with Army Painter Speed Paint (APSP);
  • Body : APSP Blood Red
  • Under belly : APSP Zealot Yellow
  • Wings and fins : APSP Hive Dweller Purple
A pink color was added for highlights on the wings and fins. and GW Agrax Earthshade was applied to darken the shadows and details on the underbelly. 

Painting the Skeletal Dragon

The Skeletal Dragon was coated in Games Workshop Agrax Earthshade (a brown wash) and the wings painted with APSP Hive Dweller Purple.


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