Friday, December 23, 2022

HeroQuest: Alternate White Plastic Figures

Mummies, Skeletons, and Zombies

The miniatures in HeroQuest are shipped in groups with different color plastic. I've already completed the red plastic Heros and the grey plastic Chaos boss miniatures. I decided my next milestone in my updated HeroQuest game project would be the white plastic which consists of 4 Skeletons, 2 zombies, and 2 mummies.



I really like these mummies from Mantic. They have a "Knights of Last Crusade" feel to them and fit excellently with the vibe I'm looking for.

in the tomb



These Mantic zombies are a very popular choice wherever zombies are desired. I still have many left and will eventually build more and base them on GW style bases to match the other models. Also my painting has improved and it will be nice to see the difference on these.


These Games Workshop Skeleton Warriors represent the peak of multi-part kits from GW and have been my favorite kit for a long time.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022


Ulfenwatch and Watch Captain Halgrim (center left)

Blasting through these with more speed painting. There are six more of the Ulfenwatch in partial complete status.

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Markers and Bats - Cursed City

More speed painting for the Cursed City game. Really happy with the Skeleton and based here.

Objective markers and other game elements 

Bats.  Not so great zoomed in, but fast and respectable tabletop pieces.


Saturday, December 10, 2022

HeroQuest: Alternate Grey Plastic Figures

Chaos Warriors, Gargoyle, and Chaos Sorcerer

The miniatures in HeroQuest are shipped in groups with different color plastic. The Heroes (already completed) are red plastic. I decided my next milestone in my updated HeroQuest game project would be the grey plastic which consists of 4 Chaos Warriors, the Gargoyle, and the Chaos Sorcerer.

Chaos Sorcerer

Chaos Sorcerer

The HeroQuest Chaos Sorcerer miniature wears a horned helmet and skull mask and with his half naked appearance is often painted to resemble Skeletor from He-Man. The more recent "Chaos Sorcerer Lord" model from Games Workshop (here) appears to have no resemblance. But a head swap with a GW Chaos Warrior (as seen first on Reddit by u/cyber-333 here) looks fantastic and inspired me to pick this project back-up and update/replace every mini. 



The classic HeroQuest gargoyle miniature is based on the old Games Workshop Blood Thirster models. This "Guros, Darkspawn Captain" model from Reaper Miniatures shown above is a really great minor demon figure which lands halfway between the classic HQ gargoyle and a modern Blood Thirster. Specifficaly, Guros has the more realistic sculpting style / body proportions of the 2000's era and is not a giant miniature like the last incarnation from GW.
  • The model's natural horns and ears shooting out horizontally from the head match the helmet shape on the classic gargoyle (and the classic Blood Thirster).
  • The hooves match the GW Blood Thirster models.
  • Guros has a whip and an empty hand (which can be modified to match the weapons on the classic HQ model, e.g. whip and sword)
The sword was added by drilling out the hand with a pin-vise and attaching a sword and pommel cut from a GW Chaos Warrior sprue.

Chaos Warriors

These Games Workshop Chaos Warriors just went out of print, but you can probably still find them at your local Game Store. These multi-pose kits are fantastic and after 10+ years I still have bits floating around to kit bash the other models in this post!


Vargskyr - Cursed City

Vampires in Cursed City occupy a spectrum in thier ability to control the ferral aspects of the curse. A Vargskyr has lost the battle and is entirely a beast.

This paint scheme is a significant departure from the game/box art. But I saw this style used on Redit and loved it.

I used Army Painter Speed Paints to quickly paint this fellow in one coat of 50/50 Highlord Blue / Gravelord Grey.  Then made the eyes appear illuminated with white paint and completed the effect by tinting the white with a thin (watery) yellow.