Thursday, December 28, 2023

Streams of Silver - Completed Diorama


Looking done!

Basing the Terrain

The terrain was base coated with a black paint and Mod Podge mixture. The Mod Podge stiffens up the foam and the the black paint lets you see what is coated and makes certain that any deep recesses you might miss when painting later a forgiving black color.

Then coating the near field flat surfaces with PVA glue and adding coarse sand adds the missing terain details.

Once that is dry, the sand is sealed to the base with the same Mod Podge and black paint mixture. 

Painting the Miniature

Breunor Battlehammer was painted up to match the cover art as best I could.

I used Army Painter Speed Paint where I could:
  • Gravelord  Grey = Armor, helm, axe head, and shield
  • Hardened Leather = Wood details (axe handle and shield)
  • Fire Giant Orange = Beard
I highlighted the metal parts and finished the rest of the model with a random mixture of acrylic paints (Citadel, Vallejo, and Master Series Paint) and washes.

Too bad we don't really see this side

Going to have to go back and fix those eyes!

Battle worn shield (sorry no free-hand foaming mug standard)


And it was finally time to hang the skulls, plant the spear, and drop a bunch more on the ground.

The ropes are made stiff with super glue and the skulls do not swing but vibrate a bit if knocked. 

Finishing & Painting the Terrain

The ground surfaces were quickly spray primed white and the background rocks were painted with a blue grey, washed, and highlighted with white (no snow sprinkled there).

The near field is a grey washed stone, highlighted with white and topped in spots with Woodland Scenics "Soft Flake Snow SN140"

Skulls and ropes paint up very quickly with just an earth shade wash.

Adding the Miniature

Bruenor was finally placed and green stuff (AKA kneadatite) was used to fill the gaps and make some uneven stone.

Then painted to match and covered with too much snow :(

The Final Diorama

At this point the booknook is largely done. 

It needs a case and lighting, which are not small tasks but will be completed without much change in the final product we can see here.

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