Sunday, September 25, 2022

RoSD Menagerie - Animals

Getting ready for this two scenario mission. It calls for a bunch of animals I don't have and would like to assemble quickly.
  • 2 Bears
  • 1 Boar
  • 1 Monkey
  • 2 Tigers
And I found everything I needed on Thingiverse.


This bear model can be found here.

And I scaled it down to 40mm in length before printing so that it's feet nicely on a 25mm round base.


This boar model can be found here.

I scaled it to 45mm length prior to printing.


This monkey model can be found here.

I'm not sure this is actually a "monkey" and per the cover of the mission I wanted something small and with a long tail. I scaled this to 11mm in length (tiny).  I drilled a hole where the short tail was and formed a long curling tail from some wire.


This panther model can be found here.

I scaled it to 34mm in length prior to printing.  It fits on a rectangular cavalry type base and the fragile tail does not overhang / is well protected. It is an appropriate size for wild cats, but could be larger and more imposing foe or ally.

Bear Trap

I'm not sure I will get to use this token in these missions. But I had created and assembled it a while ago and this seemed like the right time to paint it.

In some scenarios Rangers are given the opportunity to setup a trap.  At least it will be nice if I see one of those again.

My box of GW Ogres included an arm holding this and I opted not to use it, trim off the fingers, and instead create a trap token.

Printing, Basing, and Painting

The print lines from my FDM printer look pretty bad (particularly the monkey), but these figures are so small, it just looks like fur / you do not notice on the tabletop.

The figures were primed black then white from above (zenithal highlight) and painted quickly with Army Painter Speed Paints in just a few minutes.

  • Bear and Monkey : Hardened Leather
  • Boar :
    • Body = Hardened Leather
    • Mane = Gravelord Grey
    • Tusks = Palid Bone
  • Tiger (Leopard):
    • Body = Palid Bone
    • Spots = Hardened Leather

Then Citadel Texture "Astrogranite" was added to the bases for additional texture. The bases were painted with Citadel Mechanus Standard Grey, drybrushed with a bone color, and washed with Citadel Agrax Earthshade.

Note that the panther and bear on the left were done a few years ago.

Before I can run this mission, I need to quickly build 5 prisoner type wagons (with oxen) and assemble and paint up some "Temple Guardians" which appear in this mission and many others.

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